Monday, March 9, 2009

Pillans Elementary School Animal Makin' Day

I went to Pillans elementary school again today. This time to help Bruce Larsen and Zach's students make animals out of garbage. We used water bottles, milk jugs, paper towel tubes, buttons, computer parts, boxes... well, garbage.

This is Bruce working on an eagle, Pillans' mascot.

Among other things, the students made...

a sea turtle

a sting ray

an elephant

a swan

a duck-billed platypus

and of course, some mice.

oh, and here's Bruce's eagle.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Making stuff with kids at Pillans Elementary School

last week, I was invited to teach collage art to elementary school student's in my friend Zach dePolo's class at Pillans Elementary School. the experience fell into my top 5 goodest times ever. maybe top 3 even.

here's some of what they did-

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blogga Blogga Hey

Well hello.

This is my blog. My name is Ryan. I used occasionally draw comics (the Squares, Old Lonnie, the Freaks, X&Y) under the shoddy pen-name bryan. I currently book standup comedy shows in Mobile, AL. Also I make collages, short films, and noise music.
I make unique notepads with covers made of old album covers, VHS boxes, beer trash, or whatever I can punch holes in. Some people think I am the secret identity of local up and coming celebrity/stand-up comedian Sir William Masters.

This blog will be about all that stuff. I plan on updating it rarely.